Norco, CA - QCP plans to donate up to $75,000 worth of product to an upcoming project — and we need your help
As part of QCP’s ongoing effort to give back to the communities we work with, we’re looking for a new pro-bono project in 2024 that we can be a part of and donate products to.
We value your input, and would appreciate it if you could submit a project you think is deserving. Last year, we worked with DIG studio on a project for the Arizona School for the Arts, which you can learn more about here.
Each firm gets one entry per year, and the deadline for submissions are:
2024: June 21, 2024
2025: December 1, 2024
2026: December 1, 2025
Project needs a maximum of $75,000 worth of standard products (total value of products, including freight).
Project needs to be a pro bono project, or the majority of project participants need to contribute their efforts without compensation.
Project must be in an underserved community.
Example of acceptable projects:
Community center, food bank, homeless shelter, after-school center, magnet school, neighborhood park, or community beautification.
Project must be completed within the year that the proposal is submitted.
In your submission, please include the following information in a PDF file no larger than 15 MB:
Project name and description
Roster of key entities involved
Name of the product(s) the design team would like to use and in what application
Renderings and or drawings of the project
Images of the proposed products in use are encouraged